44 Stats About Our 44th President's Latest State Of The Union
Comments (1) | approval rating, Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, FBI, federal poverty line, food stamps, gas prices, Gun Control, high school dropout rates, high school graduation, Iran, Joe Biden, john boehner, minimum wage, national debt, national deficit, Obamacare, Opinion, President Obama, private health insurance, Republicans, Senate, shootings, State of the Union 2014, unemployment rate, Vice President Biden
Calum Hayes
Snuffing Out The Light Of Capital Punishment
Comments (4) | capital punishment, CNN, death penalty, Debate, Declaration of Independence, dennis mcguire, execution, founding fathers, injection, innocent, lethal, Liberty, life, murder, Ohio, Opinion, Pursuit of Happiness, rape, unalienable rights
Calum Hayes
Domesticating Detroit: The Blurred Lines Of Politics
Comments (3) | bipartisan, bipartisanship, blight, Courts, Democrats, democrats vs. republicans, detroit bankruptcy, detroit blight, federal government, finance, ideology, judge rhodes, Law, Michigan, motor city, nancy pelosi, Opinion, partisanship, Paul Ryan, politics, public pensions, Republicans, states' rights, Steven Rhodes
Calum Hayes
Serving Our Veterans
Comments (1) | Afghanistan, anti-war, Apocalypse Now, army, Casualties, Iraq, Justice, medal of valor, Middle East, Military, navy, Opinion, purple heart, soldiers, veteran support, Veteran's Day, veterans, Vietnam, Vietnam War, vietnam war protests, war, War on Terror
Calum Hayes
When The Government Goes Down, The Stock Market Goes... Up?
Comments (0) | Business, Democrats, Dow Jones, economy, federal government shutdown, finance, investment, Jimmy Carter, money, Obamacare, Opinion, politics, Republicans, shutdown fears, standard and poor, stock, stock market
Calum Hayes
Maybe Putin Was Right
Comments (4) | Barack Obama, Bashar al-Assad, chemical weapons, conflict in syria, Foreign Policy, International community, international law, new york times, nuclear weapons, Opinion, President Vladimir Putin, russia, Syria, United Nations, United States, weapons of mass destruction
Calum Hayes
America's Political Apathy: Legitimately aPathetic
Comments (3) | america is the greatest country on earth, apathy, democratization, elections, Fourth of July, generation x, greatest, Independence Day, make the world safe for democracy, millenials, Opinion, political apathy, politics, President, Presidential Election, Sports, spread democracy, Super Bowl, vap, voter turnout, voting, voting age population, westernization
Calum Hayes
The Irony Of Progressives
Comments (7) | abortion, babies, bigot, bigotry, children, Christians, closed minded, culture, Democrats, disagreement, gay marriage, gays, homosexuals, irony, LGBT, misogyny, Opinion, paula deen, pro-choice, pro-life, progressive movement, progressives, racism, racist, religious beliefs, Republicans, same-sex marriage, sexism, United States
Calum Hayes
The Abortion Debate: When Does Life Begin?
Comments (32) | abortion, abortion clinics, abortion debate, abstinence, anti-abortion laws, babies, baby, birth control, Christianity, conception, condoms, contraception, Education, filibuster, life begins, medical community, Opinion, plan b, planned parenthood, pro-choice, pro-life, right to choose, science, secularism, Sex ed, sex education, texas, texas abortion bill, texas bill, Wendy Davis, women's rights
Calum Hayes
Things I'm Thinking 07/03/13
Comments (1) | Anthony Weiner, Atlanta Hawks, Dallas mavericks, Drug war, Dwight Howard, Fourth of July, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Jack Nicholson, legalizing marijuana, Los Angeles Lakers, marijuana, Opinion, Stan Van Gundy, things i'm thinking, time warner cable, Tom Cruise
Calum Hayes
Things I'm Thinking 06/26/13
Comments (2) | big government, Cleveland Cavaliers, Edward Snowden, Espionage, kareem abdul-jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird, LeBron James, Magic Johnson, Miami Heat, Michael Jordan, NBA Championship, Nike, NSA surveillance scandal, nuclear weapons, Obama terrorism, Opinion, russia, Shaq, things i'm thinking, Tim Duncan, United States, united states government, United States House of Representatives, United States Senate, vladimir putin, Wilt Chamberlain
Calum Hayes
Things I'm Thinking 06/19/13
Comments (0) | Al Assad, American Media, arizona supreme court, big banks, Bushmaster AR-15, cancer, chemical weapons, citizenship, conflict in syria, Corruption, diabetes, elizabeth warren, gay marriage, Great Recession, Hunger, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Michelle Bachman, Opinion, Pearl Harbor, stafford loans, student loan interest rates, student loans, Syrian rebels, things i'm thinking, voter identification, Washington Post poll, WWII
Calum Hayes
Thank You, Dad
Comments (0) | children, dad, family, Father's Day, fathers, Happy Father's Day, Opinion, parenting, parents
Calum Hayes
Things I'm Thinking 06/12/13
Comments (10) | Chris Christie, Democrats, Edward Snowden, GOP, guantanamo bay, Internet, internet privacy, Jeff Francoeur, Media, New Jersey, new jersey senator, new jersey special election, Obama, Opinion, partisanship, Police Brutality, politics, PRISM, Republicans, Sports Illustrated, surveillance, surveillance scandal, Susan Rice, things i'm thinking, Turkey protests, Turkish police, verizon, Yasiel Puig
Calum Hayes