The collaborative emphasis in both classrooms and the workplace are designed for extroverts to thrive, but at the expense of introverts.
Read more...What are people doing to continue the fight against police brutality?
Read more...Ft. Lauderdale legislation against feeding the homeless clearly isn't stopping Arnold Abbott. (@youngestbrother/Twitter)
L.A. is one of many cities trying to make it a crime to feed the homeless.
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Read more...Whether you like it or not, all social networking sites experiment on users.
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Read more...The Visceral Company's latest play is about a dystopian world exploring the need to connect.
Read more...Behind the glass doors of 24HR Psychic, there is a mirror where you can reflect and face yourself.
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Read more...Maya Eshet (left) and Steve Peterson (silhouette) in "The Outsider" in "Lovecraft: Nightmare Suite". Photo by Jeremy Andorfer.
The Viseral Company's "Lovecraft: Nightmare Suite" provides an uneven night of performance.