Sex education is not standardized in classrooms across the United States, but research shows that whether it’s taught effectively, if at all, can have a strong impact on young people’s health and drastically change their lives.
Read more...The ordinance will raise the minimum wage in L.A. to $15 an hour by 2020.
Read more...How do businesses absorb the cost of a minimum wage increase - and can they?
Read more...L.A. is one of many cities trying to make it a crime to feed the homeless.
Read more...How does race, gender and sexuality relate to the law?
Read more...Prop. 47 would reduce certain crimes, including shoplifting and personal drug use.
Read more...Come on, lawmakers. Time to set an example and let those lawns go yellow.
Read more...Declared dead a year ago, Jahi McMath’s parents say she’s still alive.
Read more...A federal judge gave jail time to six former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies for obstructing with a federal civil rights investigation.
Read more...The California State Senate passed Bill 967.