On the heels of rape allegations in India, the ride-sharing app announced plans to have more women behind the wheel.
Read more..."...the [United Nations] Security Council let us down-where shall we go?"-President Abbas
Read more...Violence is a two-way street, but so is the peace process.
Read more...Protests involving limited access to water have been occurring around the world.
Read more...Both Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence have touched upon important issues recently. (@KiSS925 / Twitter)
VIDEO: Does Lawrence's recent Vanity Fair interview make her the latest feminist advocate?
Read more...Fear not, a little constuctive criticism isn't going to sink the feminist movement.
Read more...Prime Minister said the threats posed by Hamas and ISIS were the same.
Read more...Why are women more prone to depression, eating disorders and PTSD?
Read more...The economic reasons for the embargo are negligible, the international backing nonexistent and the moral justification a farce.
Read more...HeForShe seems like a great mission, but here's how it could be a lot better. (Twitter / @LoganLerman)
HeForShe seems like a great mission, but here's how it could be a lot better.