He's also loving living in Russia. No seriously, it's a spy-free zone.
Read more...The government's collecting cell data by flying planes that trick phones into giving up personal information (DNY59/GettyImages)
Should this even be a suprise at this point?
Read more...Ever wondered what bad serial killers and writers have in common? They both Google 'how to get away with murder.'
Read more...The documents shed significant light on the government's argument for web surveillance. (nolifebeforecoffee, Creative Commons)
The basis for the U.S. government's expansion of warrantless surveillance has been revealed.
Read more...Privacy is over for the rest of us: why should celebs expect different?
Read more...The criteria for placing someone on the terror watchlist desperately need revision.
Read more...The NSA holds deeply personal information from hundreds of thousands of bystanders. (Pascal Kirchmair, Wikimedia Commons)
The NSA casts a wider surveillance net than intelligence officials have admitted to.
Read more...The whistleblower's story is coming to the big screen.
Read more...Graffiti sympathetic to NSA leaker Edward Snowden is seen stenciled on a San Francisco sidewalk. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Edward Snowden reveals endless Internet narcissism has created a vast trove of facial images for the intelligence agency to mine.
Read more...Are you one of them?