"...the [United Nations] Security Council let us down-where shall we go?"-President Abbas
Read more...Obama sits with his congressional leaders planning for Syria. (Flickr Creative Commons/stephen_medlock)
Resolution proposing use of military force to punish Syria awaits vote.
Read more...Obama sits with his congressional leaders planning for Syria. (Flickr Creative Commons/stephen_medlock)
A resolution proposing U.S. military action against Syria awaits final vote after clearing bipartisan obstacles.
Read more...Efrain Rios Montt is the first head of state to be tried for genocide within his own judicial system.
Read more...Kony and his lieutenants are wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Read more...The UN has formally concluded that Israel’s settlements in the West Bank violate international law.
Read more...'Tiger Force' exposed the atrocities of an elite Army platoon during the Vietnam war.
Read more...Nine years after the war began, Iraq's death toll continues to rise. Will Tutu's remarks have any traction or will they be lost in the noise over Syria and Iran?
Read more...The sentence indicates that justice has been served for heinous crimes against humanity.
Read more...The world needs a body of international law with global jurisdiction and adequate resources.