What do we hope to gain by disparaging 1.5 billion Muslim people, other than an excuse for cultural conflict?
Read more...More Americans have died due to Mexican cartel violence than in the entirety of the Iraq War.
Read more...Can a new bill take grenades and tanks away from local police forces?
Read more...Check out these A-BRO-able Bromances!
Read more...It's award season in Los Angeles, Sundance season in Utah and somehow celebrities are still finding the time to tweet. Maybe they really are just like us.
Read more...The government may be shut down, but Bill Maher's satire is still open for business.
Read more...POLL: Vote for your favorite nominees in the 2013 Emmy's biggest categories.
Read more...From Miley's provocative new video to Sarah Silverman's unsolicited political advice, here are the best celebrity tweets of the week.
Read more...Hollywood supports Obama with millions in donations.