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Harvard Student Teaches Us What Not To Do During Finals Week

Sara Newman |
December 18, 2013 | 10:04 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Harvard Sophomore Eldo Kim (Twitpic)
Harvard Sophomore Eldo Kim (Twitpic)

For college students throughout the nation, finals season means crazy amounts of stress and seemingly endless hours spent cooped up in the library studying (read: facebooking). But one Harvard sophomore found a way to beat the system—or so he thought. 

Harvard Sophomorehas been charged for his alleged role in Monday’s unfounded bomb threat at Harvard University. The bomb threat cancelled some of the university’s exams, as was intended, but at the expense of jail time and a hefty fine. Kim will appear in the United States District Court for a preliminary hearing Monday morning. 

In an affidavit to the police, Kim, a 20-year-old psychology major, explained that his decision to report a fake bomb threat was “motivated by a desire to avoid a final exam.”   

Rather than receiving a poor exam grade, Kim is now looking at up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.  

Kim made sure to use an anonymous Guerrilla Mail e-mail address and hide his IP address when notifying people of the non-existent “shrapnels,” but no amount of precautionary measures can save you from yourself. Just hours after setting his plan in action Monday morning, Kim confessed to an FBI agent that he was responsible for the hoax.

The irony of the fact that Kim created the bombing rumors for his Politics of America Education final has not been lost on the Twitterverse. 

Contact Executive Producer Sara Newman here and follow her on Twitter. 



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