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Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


2014 Sochi Winter Olympics Has Begun


Shilpa Nagesh
Executive Producer

STORIFY: See what viewers thought were the highlights from the opening ceremony. 



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


Homeland Security Warns Airlines Of Toothpaste Tube Bomb Threat

Security remains a pressing issue for Sochi Olympic officials (Jan Zeschky/Creative Commons)

Andrew Seah
Executive Producer

Security for Olympics ramps up as bomb threats surface. 
