Image-based communication may be modern, but it's nothing new.
Read more...Cousins Ryan Cornateanu and Ethan Mezrahi created the app "Feedit" to transform social media for the average college student.
One new app is incorporating academic life into a social media platform.
Read more...Android users sue Google for violating their privacy for financial gain.
Read more...It will include high-integration with Amazon's existing services.
Read more...One year later, Apple tops its own radical transformation to mobile operating system iOS. (glwx, Wikimedia Commons)
If you thought iOS 7 was the most radical update to date, think again.
Read more...Use of public transit has become more ubiquitous across the socioeconomic ladder. (Downtown Gal, Wikimedia Commons)
An important FYI to those of us without cars (or just don't want to pay for parking).
Read more...With graduation on the rise, check out the latest way of celebrating via tech.
Read more...If need an app to pretend you're more caring than you actually are, maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Bro.
Read more...Maybe your phone calls will be safe, after all.
Read more...The app will soon rival voice messaging providers like Skype once new feature is added.