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Top Three Senate Races For Tonight

Nandini Ruparel |
November 6, 2012 | 2:42 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter



(Casey Batezel / KOMU 8 News/Creative Commons)
(Casey Batezel / KOMU 8 News/Creative Commons)
Earlier in the year it seemed feasible for the Republicans to gain control of the Democratically dominated Senate. Weak Republican candidates in previously guaranteed states coupled with unusually strong Democratic candidates in other areas have made it more likely that the Democrats will keep a majority in the Senate.


This race has been in the public spotlight ever since Republican Rep. Todd Akin made his controversial comments regarding "legitimate rape." Even though he was encouraged to drop out by multiple Republican colleagues, his race against Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill continues, albeit with a much higher risk of losing.

While previously weak incumbent McCaskill has been criticized for her decisions and voting in the state, it remains to be seen whether the public will choose between the Republican candidate who is seemingly insensitive to women's health decisions or the Democratic candidate who's politics will remain the same.

According to the most recent polls, McCaskill is leading Akin by about 6 points.

ALSO SEE: Virginia Senate Race in "Statistical Dead Heat"


 Not only is the race between Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin and the Republican former Gov. Tommy Thompson extremely close, but it could also change the face of Senators to come.

If Baldwin wins, she would be the first openly gay U.S. Senator, and with an extremely progressive record, she faces challenges in her conservative state. Similarly, Thompson has come under criticism for supporting President Barack Obama's healthcare law.

According to Public Policy Polling, Baldwin only leads Thompson by a point, 46 to 45.

ALSO SEE: Red Votes In A Blue State


Democratic incumbent John Tester grabbed his seat by less than 1 percent in 2006, and is now fighting a fairly tight race against Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg.

Rasmussen polls have Rehberg up by three percent. Many out of state groups have been running ads against the incumbent making this is a seat that could potentially go to the Republicans.

ALSO SEE: Little Changed Is Expected In The House Of Representatives


Reach Staff Reporter Nandini Ruparel here.



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