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WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Will Write His Memoirs

Callie Schweitzer |
December 20, 2010 | 7:57 p.m. PST


Looking for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's side of the story? It's on the way.

The controversial Australian behind the anti-secrecy organization is set to pen his memoirs.

The book will "follow the  39-year-old transparency advocate's journey from his youth as a hacker in Australia to his current status as controversial founder of Wikileaks."

DailyFinance confirms that Knopf, a division of Random House, will publish the book in the U.S., and Canongate will publish the book in the U.K.

The manuscript is expected to be delivered in March, with publication plans for later in 2011.

Jokes aside, many are wondering if leaked versions of Assange's memoirs will arrive on the Internet much earlier.

Assange, who founded WikiLeaks and is the site's editor-in-chief, is behind the late November release of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables. Only a small fraction of the cables, which have caused great embarrassment for the U.S., have been made available for download so far.

Many U.S. politicians have made it known they are not a fan of Assange.

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Assange a "high tech terrorist."

Assange has said the chances of his extradition to the U.S. are "increasingly serious and increasingly likely."

Attorney General Eric Holder has said that the U.S. looking into espionage charges.

But Assange also has his backers.

He has an enormous following on the Internet where a group of hacktivists, who say they support free speech on the Internet, have been targeting sites believed to be impending WikiLeaks' mission including MasterCard, Visa and PayPal, all of whom have denied users the ability to donate money to the anti-secrecy organization.

The group has also attacked Sen. Joseph Lieberman and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's websites.

Film director Michael Moore, MSNBC personality Keith Olbermann, free speech activist and founder of Hustler magazine Larry Flynt and Bianca Jagger have also put their support behind him.

Flynt explains why he's donating $50,000 to WikiLeaks' defense fund in The Huffington Post, praising Assange as a hero and noting, "We should have a ticker-tape parade for this brave man."

"Let's get something straight: Julian Assange is a journalist. You can argue that he is not practicing journalism the way you think it should be practiced -- releasing classified U.S. State Department documents -- but he's a journalist nonetheless," Flynt writes.

TIME magazine readers also chose Assange as their person of the year. Though he won by a wide margin, the magazine's editors would end up choosing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as the official winner.

Assange has been freed from a London jail on bail, where he was fighting charges of rape and other sex crimes, all of which he has denied.



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