Could this stymie the U.S.'s growing relationship with Brazil?
Read more...Obama spoke about the roots of America's prosperity in his inauguration address.
Read more...President Obama looks to new priorites for his 2013 Term.
Read more...The Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and the Democrats kept control of the United States Senate.
Read more...GRAPHIC: Obama may have won four more years but second terms aren't always four more years of the same.
Read more...The fiscal cliff, bipartisanship and the Euro Crisis, among others.
Read more...The world demonstrated a hope to be an integral part of Obama's promise for change.
Read more...The question was a largely irrelevant one this time around and, thankfully, voters realized that.
Read more...What are Obama's plans if re-elected?
Read more...The debates are Romney's last chance to change the narrative of the campaign.