
Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


Novel Talks At Neon Tommy: Anna North Talks Art, Elusive Protagonists, And The Value Of The MFA


Madeleine Remi
Staff Writer

We chat about the true costs of art in "The Life and Death of Sophie Stark," along with advice that any aspiring writer needs to hear. 



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


Q&A with Adelle Waldman: Novel Talks At Neon Tommy

"it was important to have a cover that was gender neutral." (Twitter/@CoverSpy)

Madeleine Remi
Staff Reporter

After speaking with The Washington Post, The New York Times, Vogue, and GQ (just to name a few), Adelle Waldman sits down with Neon Tommy and shares her path to success. 



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


Smart Bitches With Reading Niches

Neon Tommy

Jessica Oliveira
Staff Reporter

A local Los Angeles book club consisting of lively fun women meets once a month to discuss best-selling novels.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.


The Era of YA Dystopian Novels Is Ending: 7 Things Readers Will Miss

"The Giver" movie adaptation, based on the 1993 dystopian novel that started the trend in YA fiction, came out in August (@PanAm

Meghan Coyle
Staff Reporter

Lois Lowry: “Dystopian fiction is passé now." But readers will still miss the their visits to Panem and beyond.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.