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USC Campus Style: Hao Wen

Sophie Sanders, Christina Similien |
October 22, 2015 | 10:44 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Sophie Sanders/Neon Tommy
Sophie Sanders/Neon Tommy
Sophie Sanders/Neon Tommy
Sophie Sanders/Neon Tommy
Christina Similien, featured in a previous USC Campus Street Style article has joined me in the hunt for style. On our first mission together, we wondered where around campus is the best to find people with hip style? The Roski School of Art and the School of Architecture of course! That is exactly where Christina and I found this fashionable fellow. 

READ MORE: USC Campus Style: Christina Similien 

We first spotted Hao Wen outside of Nektar, hard at work with another student. Christina and I turned towards each other and knew we had to ask about his style. What first caught our eye was his futuristic looking, stark black sneakers. Hao Wen showed them off by cuffing his black pants--a styling trick we can all utilize! His sweatshirt would typically look overwhelming, with its crazy black and white pattern featuring what look like palm trees, however it is accompanied by strictly black pants, shoes, backpack, and even glasses, which made it work! Although the sneakers first caught our eye, Christina and I agree that his minimalistic and highly chic knapsack is the coolest accessory he wears.  

READ MORE: USC Campus Style: Lucie Shelley 

Name: Hao Wen

Hometown: Shanghai 

Year: Sophomore 

Major: Architecture 

Favorite Place To Shop: FarFetch.com

Favorite Trend: Cool Graphics 

Favorite Decade of Fashion: Futuristic

Style Inspiration: No specific inspiration, but loves Art Deco 

Stay Tuned for more USC Campus Style 

Reach Staff Reporter Sophie Sanders here 



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