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New James Bond Script Leaked, Executives Disappointed With End

Helen Carefoot |
December 13, 2014 | 12:33 a.m. PST

Web Producer

The script for the next film in the James Bond franchise, Spectre, leaked today along with many emails among studio executives complaining about the film's ending. 

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Gawker obtained a copy of the script and published a full summary, including exuctives' specific concerns about the film's third act and the villain, Oberhauser, played by two-time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz.

Spectre began filming this week and will hit theatres on October 23, 2015. Directed by Sam Mendes ("Skyfall"), the film is the 24th in the 'Bond' franchise and will see Daniel Craig reprise his role as 007. Monica Belucci and Léa Seydoux join the cast as Bond girls.

Sony is the victim of several problematic leaks lately, including a reveal of employees' salaries and a scathing email exchange calling Angelina Jolie a "spoiled brat." 

Reach Web Producer Helen Carefoot here and follow her on Twitter here



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