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Lea Seydoux To Play Next Bond Girl

Benjamin Dunn |
October 10, 2014 | 1:22 p.m. PDT

Web Producer/Staff Photographer

Lea Seydoux attends the EE British Academy Film Awards 2014. (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Lea Seydoux attends the EE British Academy Film Awards 2014. (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Lea Seydoux will be joining James Bond as his female counterpart in the upcoming “Bond 24.” 

According to the Daily Mail, the Paris-based actor who starred in the award-winning movie, “Blue Is The Warmest Colour,” will meet with Daniel Craig and other cast members in November for a script rehearsal. Production is set to begin this December.

READ MORE: Remember This Scene?: 'Casino Royale'

Seydoux also acted in major Hollywood movies like “Mission Impossible: Ghost Patrol,” “Inglourious Basterds,” and “Robin Hood.”

Read more at the Daily Mail.

Reach Web Producer/Staff Photographer Benjamin Dunn here.



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