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4 Audiobooks To Make Your Commute Fly By

Helen Carefoot |
September 3, 2014 | 4:57 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

You're sitting in your car, you haven't yet had your morning cup of joe and you don't feel like listening to the same songs on the radio. Here are four audio books that will start your day off right and make you smile, laugh, think and cry in the process. And all before 10 am!

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"Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" by David Sedaris, narrated by David Sedaris

Duration: 6 hours and 27 minutes

Some of us aren’t morning people. If you’re anything like me and the realization that you’re awake instead of sleeping makes you grumpy and unpleasant, it’ll probably take a pretty talented comedian to bring you out of the doldrums. Enter David Sedaris, whose observant and comically clueless narrative essays like “Dentists without Borders” and “A Friend in the Ghetto” will have you in stitches. 

"Harry Potter" by J.K Rowling, narrated by Jim Dale

Duration: Varies by title

Make your morning magical with any of the Harry Potter audiobooks, narrated by Grammy and Audie award-winner Jim Dale. Re-introduce yourself to your old friends from Hogwarts as you drive, and let’s be honest, you’ll be in traffic long enough to go through a sizable chunk of each book. Pretend you’re not banging your head against your steering wheel on I-5 and let Dale’s sonorous voice transport you to the wizarding world.

"Life" by Keith Richards and James Fox; narrated by Keith Richards, Johnny Depp, and Joe Hurley

Duration: 23 hours and 6 minutes

Few people have lived lives more full than Keith Richards, the guitarist of the Rolling Stones. Legendary for his partying and wild ways, Richards recounts stories so crazy and entertaining it’ll be hard to focus on the road. Chronicling the the Stones’ rise from small cover band to international sensation and Richards’ personal relationships and struggles with addiction, Life does not just recount the thrills of living the life of a rockstar. The listener gets to hear Richards recount his lowest lows with candor, and also gets a peek inside Richards’ deep love for music. Richards narrates the memoir along with Johnny Depp and musician Joe Hurley. This audiobook will have you simultaneously wondering how Richards is still alive and applauding him for getting through it all. 

"The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver, narrated by Dean Robinson

Duration: 15 hours and 37 minutes

Listening to the story of the Price family, who move from Georgia to the Congo to do missionary work in 1959, is both riveting and heartbreaking. The unraveling and reconstruction of the Prices' takes on new meaning when told orally. Narrator Dean Robinson brings each Price sister’s unique voice to life. This tale of love, loss and adventure in Africa will have you forgetting that you’re still sitting in traffic.

Email Staff Reporter Helen Carefoot here and folllow her on Twitter here.



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