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Camarillo Springs Fire 60 Percent Contained

Kiran Kazalbash |
May 5, 2013 | 11:17 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The Camarillo Springs wildfire is at 60 percent containment Sunday, according to Ventura County Fire officials. USA Today reported that the fire, which burned over 28,000 acres, is dying down due to the massive firefighting efforts and more favorable weather conditions.

According to the Huffington Post, a fire containment line has been created due to the moisture in the air aiding the firefight. Officials said they expect full containment of the blaze on Monday.

Camarillio Fire now under 60 percent containment. (Screenshot of ABC News)
Camarillio Fire now under 60 percent containment. (Screenshot of ABC News)

The Springs fire has damaged 15 homes and caused two injuries, one civilian and one firefighter.

READ MORE: Banning Fire 30 Percent Contained

More than 2,000 firefighters had been called in to extinguish the massive blaze, which broke out Thursday just west of the Santa Monica mountain region in Ventura County.

READ MORE: Multiple Wildfires Sweep Through Southern California

The Camarillo Springs Fire began while Firefighters in Riverside County were battling their own blaze, Wednesday in south of Banning. The Banning fire burned about 3,000-acres of wilderness and one home according to the Los Angeles Times. ABC reported the fire fully contained Saturday night. 

USA Today reports that California has experienced 680 wildfires this year, 200 more than the average for the state.



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