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Mattel Introduces New Barbie Construction Set

Leah Harari |
December 12, 2012 | 3:51 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

A modern-day Barbie (Photo Credit- Creative Commons)
A modern-day Barbie (Photo Credit- Creative Commons)
Long plagued by the critique that they promote an unrealistic body image and sexist ideals, Mattel, the corporation behind the iconic "Barbie" name, is making an attempt to inspire a new crop of female engineers with the company's first ever construction set, PolicyMic reports.

While boys play with toys that involve building and creative construction, encouraging basic math and science skills early on, that concept has long been lost in the sector of the toy industry geared toward girls. 

Okay, so the "Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Style" is still lacking as far as 21st century feminism ideals go. It's bubblegum pink and centered around building a dream mega-mansion. Baby steps. It's debatable how much inspiration the new plaything will bring as far as instilling any sort of interest in male-dominated engineering or science-and-technology-based disciplines, but kudos to Mattel at their attempt to bridge the gender gap and emphasize personal success and creativity.

The toy giant has taken other steps in recent years to improve their image, transitioning Barbie from typically female-dominated careers including a flight attendant and model to a doctor and policewoman, as well as restructuring the doll's physically impossible and wholly unattainable measurements to a somewhat more realistic representation. 

Just in time for the holiday season (of course), "Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Style" is available in stores now.

Reach staff reporter Leah Harari here.



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