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The Hot Seat: Assemblyman Marc Levine

Max Schwartz |
September 27, 2015 | 12:48 a.m. PDT

Civc Center Bureau Chief

(Max Schwartz/Annenberg Media Center)
(Max Schwartz/Annenberg Media Center)
Tenth District Assemblyman Marc Levine called into the podcast to discuss the special session, the drought, higher education and open government. Levine is a member of the legislature's special session Healthcare Committee, but he was asked the same question as Nazarian about transportation funding.

SEE ALSO: The Hot Seat: Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian

He serves on five standing committees, including as chairman of the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee. Levine said there is not one agency that has the job of keeping track of how much water the local water districts have, but he does have legislation in the works. He would like to see the state, especially Southern California, recycle water, including rain water. Currently, most of the rain water that lands in Los Angeles runsoff into the Pacific Ocean.

Levine, who is also on the Higher Education Committee, is not in favor of the California State University system and the University of California system increasing salaries for administrators, if students have to pay for it in the form of additional fees.

The assemblyman, who also has a place on the Governmental Organization Committee, believes that the current system for enforcing the Brown Act is OK.

Reach Civic Center Bureau Chief Max Schwartz here; follow him on Twitter here.

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The Hot Seat:



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