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'Entourage' Movie Preview

Tanya Mardirossian |
April 15, 2015 | 11:32 a.m. PDT

TV Editor

Ari and the boys (Twitter/ @entouragemovie)
Ari and the boys (Twitter/ @entouragemovie)
A couple of trailers have surfaced for the “Entourage” movie, out this summer, but “sadly, all good parties must come to an end.”

Fans want what they’re used to, and it looks like they’re going to get what they want. The entire gang is back: Vince (Adrian Grnier), Eric/ "E" (Kevin Connolly), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara), Johnny/"Drama" (Kevin Dillon) and Ari (Jeremy Piven). 

Everyone seems to be moving in a positive direction with their lives. Vince is in the process of getting an acting gig, E has settled down, Turtle will redeem himself with his weight loss, Drama…he’s still Drama and Ari is his angry old self, but getting more creative with his work. 

Ari is moving forward as "studio head" and wants Vince to be the lead in the film. Vince, who is always ambitious (or thinks very highly of himself as an actor) says that the next movie he stars in will be his directorial debut. 

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Some familiar faces from the show aside from the main cast will also be back for the big screen including executive producer Mark Wahlberg, actress Jessica Alba, and T.I. 

In another trailer, we see Vince as a DJ who’s about to get chased down by a team of cops. Of course, it’s too good to be true, and we learn that it’s his movie. As usual, Ari has the gang in his office for a meeting, furious about them spending more than a $100 million on the production. 

No matter what crazy scenes the movie has, one thing is for certain: the film will end with Vince, E, Turtle, and Drama looking out to some Los Angeles view like old times. 

The "Entourage" movie is out June 5.

Reach TV Editor Tanya Mardirossian here. Follow her on Twitter



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