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USC Suspends Notre Dame Football Rivalry In Protest Of Indiana Law

Joe Konyu |
April 1, 2015 | 10:00 a.m. PDT

Staff Contributor

No more rivalry for the Men of Troy and the Golden Domers. (Scott Enyeart/Neon Tommy)
No more rivalry for the Men of Troy and the Golden Domers. (Scott Enyeart/Neon Tommy)
The most storied interregional rivalry in college football is officially on hiatus.  

USC has indefinitely suspended all future sporting events in Indiana as a reaction to the state’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), sources told Neon Tommy Wednesday morning. 

This suspension includes the Trojans’ football rivalry with Notre Dame. USC was scheduled to play the Irish on October 17, 2015 in South Bend, Indiana. 

“We cannot stand by and allow our student-athletes to play in an environment that discriminates based on sexuality,” USC athletic director Pat Haden told Neon Tommy. “We take this matter very seriously and if Indiana’s collegiate institutions, private or public, won’t take a stand against this injustice, then we will.”

This will be the first time in 69 years that the two programs don’t meet on the gridiron. Oddly enough, 69 is Indiana Gov. Mark Pence’s least favorite number. 

The Notre Dame athletic department has yet to comment.

Haden continued, "This is the most difficult decision we’ve had to make since we sent Lane Kiffin home on an LAX shuttle. We’ve had a long-standing relationship with Notre Dame. But things have been complicated between us ever since Lennay Kekua died. I think it’s time for us to take a break.

“Indiana’s a flyover state anyway. I don’t think we’ll miss it too much.”

An Indiana metropolis. (Wikimedia Commons)
An Indiana metropolis. (Wikimedia Commons)

NCAA president Mark Emmert threatened earlier in the week to move the organization’s Indianapolis headquarters and collegiate events held in the state if the law didn’t change. However, people have found his statement underwhelming, just like every NCAA punishment he’s handed out since USC.

This isn’t USC’s first act of defiance towards the state of Indiana this week. Haden took a stand Tuesday against the law, refusing to attend a College Football Playoff meeting in Indianapolis out of protest.

The silver lining in this protest is that the Jeweled Shillelagh will remain in Los Angeles for the foreseeable future and not in the hands of those greedy leprechauns. 

Oh, and April Fool’s. 

Reach Staff Contributor Joe Konyu here



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