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Monica Geller's Top Ten Moments on 'Friends'

Andie Furber |
March 25, 2015 | 7:19 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Twitter/ @MonicaGeller)
Twitter/ @MonicaGeller)
"Friends" character Monica Geller has been loved for generations of fans for her scrappiness, commitment and relationship with Chandler. Here is a countdown of her top ten moments:

10. That time she made Rachel use her eye drops.

9. That time she and Ross pulled off the greatest Routine of all time.

8. That time she took the stage at karaoke night.

7. That time she tried new things.

6. That infamous Thanksgiving dinner.

READ MORE: Chandler Bing's Top Ten Moments On 'Friends'

5. That time she wanted to make Chandler laugh.

4. That time little Harmonica was hammered.

3. That time she tried out a new look.

2. Everytime she said this.

1. That time she claimed the best comeback of all time.

Reach Staff Reporter Andie Furber here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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