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ESPN's Beloved Stuart Scott Dies At 49

Heidi Carreon |
January 4, 2015 | 10:31 a.m. PST

Web Producer

"ESPN and everyone in the sports world have lost a true friend..."ESPN president John Skipper said. (Screenshot/ESPN Youtube Channel)
"ESPN and everyone in the sports world have lost a true friend..."ESPN president John Skipper said. (Screenshot/ESPN Youtube Channel)
Beloved ESPN anchor Stuart Scott died Sunday morning at the age of 49, ESPN announced Sunday. Scott’s catchphrases such as “boo-yah” and “cool as the other side of the pillow” are posted on a wall in ESPN’s new studio in Bristol. Scott joined ESPN in 1993 and rose up the ranks due to his delivery and his phrasing to describe highlights. He anchored SportsCenter shows, hosted Monday Night Countdown, and was the NBA host on ESPN and ABC. 

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Scott died after lengthy bouts with cancer that began in 2007, though he never revealed what kind of cancer he had. Scott only missed his ESPN work days for chemotherapy, after which he would go to mixed martial arts training. He accepted the Jimmy V Award For Perseverance at the ESPYS in July, saying, "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live."

"His energetic and unwavering devotion to his family and to his work while fighting the battle of his life left us in awe," ESPN president John Skipper said, "and he leaves a void that can never be replaced."

Scott is survived by his two daughters Taelor, 19, and Sydni, 15. 

Read more from ESPN here.
Reach Web Producer Heidi Carreon here; follow her on Twitter here.



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