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Will L.A. Street Vendors Soon Be Legal?

Belinda Cai |
December 2, 2014 | 2:52 p.m. PST

Web Producer

(Ricardo Diaz/Flickr Creative Commons)
(Ricardo Diaz/Flickr Creative Commons)
A city council meeting today will determine whether street vendors can legally sell food and non-food items in the streets of Los Angeles. The city's Economic Development Committee heard recommendations on the regulation of said vendors. The plan, if it passes, will legalize business for about 10,000 food vendors and 40,000 non-food vendors, as noted by officials.

SEE ALSO: Long Road To Legalization For L.A. Street Vendors

Los Angeles Street Vendor Campaign members have long supported this proposal. If legal, food vendors will have to get a permit from the Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles Police Department will play a part in enforcing the vendors.

Read more on CBS.

Reach Web Producer Belinda Cai here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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