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SUNY Canton: Campus On Lockdown

Joyce Jude Lee |
October 23, 2014 | 11:27 a.m. PDT

Web Producer

(SUNY Canton Campus/www.canton.edu)
(SUNY Canton Campus/www.canton.edu)
The SUNY Canton Campus is currently on lockdown after two threats were made on a popular social media site called Yik Yak.

According to WNYF, the first of two threats surfaced Wednesday night, and the second was made around noon today. Though the wording of the second threat is not known, the first threat came from an anonymous user who threatens to kill as many people as possible and then him or herself. 

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The first threat reads, verbatim: "This is a message to all SUNYCanton students, if you valve your life do not go to class tomorrow, I plan on killing myself but before that I plan taking as many of you worthles piles of crap,be ready." 

Classes have been cancelled for the rest of the day and students are being evacuated building by building as the suspect has not been identified. 

Read Web Producer Joyce Jude Lee here.



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