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NASA Rocket Explodes On Launch

Niki Hashemi |
October 28, 2014 | 5:36 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

The rocket exploded soon after lift off (Twitter/@AC360)
The rocket exploded soon after lift off (Twitter/@AC360)
Early Tuesday evening, an unnamed NASA rocket exploded off the coast of Virginia. The rocket was set to carry around 5,000 pounds of supplies and experiments to the international space station.

SEE ALSO: Taxis In Space? NASA Plans To Announce Private Space Shuttle Deal

NASA spokesman Jay Bolden said, “There was significant property and vehicle damage. Mission control is trying to assess what went wrong.” Bolden also indicated that there were no losses of life due to the explosion.

Here is a video of the failed launch.

Read more at CNN.

Reach Web Producer Niki Hashemi here and follow her on Twitter.



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