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LAUSD Superintendent Expected To Step Down Tomorrow

Olivia Niland |
October 15, 2014 | 9:23 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy has resigned after three years (Wikipedia)
LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy has resigned after three years (Wikipedia)
Los Angeles superintendent John Deasy has officially resigned, according to multiple sources within the district and school board.

Deasy's employment came to an end today after weeks of negotiations to reach a separation agreement.   

READ MORE: L.A. School District Superintendent Keeps Job...For Now

Deasy served as superintendent of LAUSD, the nation's second-largest school district, for three years, during which time he vocally expressed frustrations with the seven-member school board and was plagued by controversial programs such as the district's student iPad initiative, as well as tense relations with teachers unions.

The LAUSD is expected to make an official announcement tomorrow, and is also expected to appoint one of Deasy's chief deputies, Michelle King, as interim superintendent, according to LA School Report

Reach Web Producer Olivia Niland hereFollow Olivia Niland on Twitter here.



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