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L.A.'s Minimum Wage Hike: A Tale of Two Snack Shops

Jessica Harrington |
September 3, 2014 | 7:28 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Two small business owners work next door to each other in Northridge, but have different viewpoints about Mayor Eric Garcetti’s wage hike proposal.

READ MORE: Business Owners Clash With Workers Over 'Raise The Wage'

The proposal calls for the minimum wage to increase by $4.25 over the next three years. The owner of the Fresh Potato Factory agrees minimum wage needs to be higher for people to survive, while the owner of Sweet Snow is more hesitant to raise minimum wage because of the overall impact it will have on his company. Northridge is part of Los Angeles City Council District 12, which also includes Chatsworth, Granada Hills, North Hills, Porter Ranch, Reseda, and West Hills.

Contact Staff Reporter Jessica Harrington here and follow her on Twitter here



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