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New York Fashion Week: Street Style Edition

Barbara Estrada |
September 14, 2014 | 10:45 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

New York Fashion Week only comes once a year in the Big Apple. But just like Christmas, we wish it came more often.

New York City, which some may consider the other "City of Dreams," is as well-known for its hustle-and-bustle energy as for its fashion-forward inhabitants.

READ MORE: New York Fashion Week: Michael Costello Review

Some of the style trends that we noticed on the streets of New York were definitely of-the-moment. Some common trends that we noticed were:

1. The over-sized clutch

2. Simplistic-clean structure

3. Quirky touches to a simple outfit (we couldn't forget the lobster necklace)

4. Pops of color

5. Oversized articles of clothing (jackets and pants)

6. All kinds of trendy shoes like strappy heels, cut-out heels, and bootie heels.

Throughout the series of pictures, the common trend was to simply look fashion-forward. Whether its an addition of color or an interesting pair of shoes, New York City (especially during fashion week) has proven itself as the capital of fashion. The designers and models aren't the only ones to bring their fashion game on the runway, because the inhabitants of New York see the entire city as their runway.

READ MORE: New York Fashion Week: What's Up With All The Nudity?

Reach Staff Reporter Barbara Estrada here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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