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Cheating Teachers In Atlanta On Trial For Racketeering

Ashley Yang |
September 29, 2014 | 4:59 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

(woodleywonderworks, Creative Commons)
(woodleywonderworks, Creative Commons)
A dozen Atlanta public school educators stand trial for engaging in a “widespread, cleverly disguised” conspiracy to manipulate standardized test scores to secure their jobs and win bonuses.

But the teachers aren’t just being accused of ordinary fraud or conspiracy - the charge is racketeering. Prosecutors contend that they violated Georgia’s RICO statute by using the “legitimate enterprise” of the public school system to carry out the illegal act of cheating for monetary gain. 

READ MORE: L.A. Public School Workers March To Raise Minimum Wage

The scandal brings to light one of the most heated debates in public education today: whether standardized tests are an effective way to measure student performance and teacher efficacy - and whether “good” teachers whose students meet score benchmarks should be financially rewarded. 

Meanwhile, teacher “cheating” has been confirmed in at least 39 states and the District of Columbia.

Read more at The New York Times

Reach Web Producer Ashley Yang here, or follow her on Twitter. 



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