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BREAKING: 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Alaska

Niki Hashemi |
September 25, 2014 | 11:43 a.m. PDT

Web Producer

Shaking was felt throughout Anchorage and south-central Alaska (Twitter/@NWS_NTWC)
Shaking was felt throughout Anchorage and south-central Alaska (Twitter/@NWS_NTWC)
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit Alaska just 80 miles northwest of Anchorage at 9:51 a.m. PST. The depth of the earthquake was reported to be about 60 miles. 

SEE ALSO: 4.4 Earthquake Hits Los Angeles

Check back with Neon Tommy for more updates and read more in The Weather Channel.

Reach Web Producer Niki Hashemi here and follow her on Twitter



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