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5 'Harry Potter' Stars: Where Are They Now?

Amy Tseng |
August 12, 2014 | 8:18 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

When the last "Harry Potter" film ended, the whole world was left with wanting for more of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and their respective kids. Off-screen, the actors have moved on with their lives as well. We all know that Emma Watson went to Brown and is still as stunningly beautiful as she’s always been. Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint on the other hand, got their foot in the door with Broadway and independent films, with Radcliffe showing a different side of him in nude scenes.

Leaving the main characters aside, let’s not forget our supporting, yet memorable characters in "Harry Potter." Where are they now?

Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood)
On screen, she was a kooky and timid girl who was often described as having a “permanently surprised look.” After HP, she starred in two short films and participated in a film project (Monster Butler) that never ran. Despite all this, Evanna decided to shy away from the spotlight, opting for a quiet life away from the big screen. Now, she is a private yoga teacher in LA who occasionally gives out public classes.
Evanna Lynch (Twitter/@FayeThomas Photo)
Evanna Lynch (Twitter/@FayeThomas Photo)
Alfred Enoch (Dean Thomas)
Alfred had been away from the spotlight for some time until recently this year, when he was casted in Shonda Rhimes’ latest ABC series "How to Get Away with Murder" as Wes Gibbins, a struggling law student. You might have slightly remembered him as Gryffindor alum as well as Dumbledore’s Army member, but this little kid is all grown up!
Alfred Enoch (Tumblr/@insightintotheexpectantlife)
Alfred Enoch (Tumblr/@insightintotheexpectantlife)
Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)
We all have a love-hate relationship with Draco Malfoy, but he’s sweet as a lollipop off-screen. Tom’s post-"Potter" life includes starring in the film "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and the thriller "The Apparition." His most recent work was playing the role of James Ashford in the royal drama "Belle." In case you didn’t know, he’s also snagged a gorgeous girlfriend!

Tom Felton at the Belle movie premiere (Twitter/@TomFelton)
Tom Felton at the Belle movie premiere (Twitter/@TomFelton)

Ralph Fiennes (Lord Voldemort)
Who knew the ever malevolent and villainous Lord Voldemort could turn into Prince Hamlet and Charles Dickens? After shedding off his evil side, Ralph took on more aristocratic roles such as Charles Dickens in "The Invisible Woman" and Caius Martius in Shakespeare’s "Coriolanus." Furthermore in 2012, he was casted as Magwitch in Charles Dickens’ (once again) "Great Expectations." Ralph's most recent work in 2014 is "The Grand Budapest Hotel," in which he plays Monsieur Gustave H., a hotel concierge who teams up with his employees to prove his innocence after he is framed for murder.

Ralph Fiennes as Monsieur Gustave in "The Grand Budapest Hotel"/FoxNews
Ralph Fiennes as Monsieur Gustave in "The Grand Budapest Hotel"/FoxNews

Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)
Saving the best for last, of course. He may be remembered as the bumbling and disorganized character in all of the eight HP films, but this kid grew up to be a HOTTIE in real life (Ryan Reynolds' doppelganger actually). His post-Potter life consisted of works in music videos, stage productions, and participating in the Season 2 of BBC Three comedy drama "Bluestone 42." He plays Corporal Gordon “Towerblock” House, an ammunition technician.

Matthew Lewis/(IMDb)
Matthew Lewis/(IMDb)

Reach Staff Reporter Amy Tseng here



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