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Russia Might Have Shot Down Two Ukrainian Military Jets

Matthew Tinoco |
July 23, 2014 | 3:23 p.m. PDT

Senior Reporter

A Ukranian Sukhoi SU-25 jet taxis at a military base, the same type of jet shot down this morning. (Wikimedia Commons)
A Ukranian Sukhoi SU-25 jet taxis at a military base, the same type of jet shot down this morning. (Wikimedia Commons)
Two Ukranian military jets were shot down over separatist held territoy in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, not far from the crash site of a Malaysia Airlines jet shot down last week. This comes as the civil-war conflict between Kiev and Pro-Russian separatists intensifies despite increasing attempts at diplomacy. 

The Los Angeles Times reports that Ukranian officials said this morning that it's entirely possible that missiles launched from Russian Territory shot down the jets. This comes just six days after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine, killing almost 300 people in an attack that clearly demonstrates the kind of firepower that exists on the ground in the region. 

Ukranian officials also speculate that even if the missiles didn't come from Russia itself, there is a strong probability that they were from Russian supplied weapons. Since the conflict started earlier this year, Ukraine has repeatedly accused Russia of supplying weapons to separatist factions in Eastern Ukraine.

This whole conflict stems from factions in Ukraine who are fighting against Kiev to become a part of Russia. As expected, many suspect that Russia is supplying these factions with weapons, if not engineering them itself with its own military forces on its own behalf.

READ MORE: Malaysia Airlines Passenger Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine

It's a sticky situation, and nobody is really quite sure what's going on, however we do know that the Russian state operated news service, Itar Tass, reported that the Ukranian jets (and Malaysia Airlines Jet) were definitely shot down by Ukranian Separatist fighers and not Russians.  

Everyone else thinks otherwise. Western officials have repeatedly condemned Russia for allegedly providing arms and fighters to separatists. 

Last week's shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines jet put a spotlight on the region, reminding many in Europe and America that there is in fact an active war presently happening in Eastern Europe. In the words of the philosopher Rodney King, can't we all just get along?

SEE ALSO: Putin Poised For Presidency, Eurasian Dream

Contact Senior Reporter Matthew Tinoco hereAnd follow him on Twitter.



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