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Riots Erupt In Argentina After World Cup Loss

Arash Zandi |
July 14, 2014 | 7:54 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Despite the riots, fans were happy that they did not receive as bad a loss as their rivals Brazil, against Germany. (Twitter/@RYOTnews)
Despite the riots, fans were happy that they did not receive as bad a loss as their rivals Brazil, against Germany. (Twitter/@RYOTnews)

On Sunday night, violence took hold of the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires on after their national team lost to Germany in the 2014 World Cup Finals, according to The Huffington Post.

Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons into a crowd of people throwing rocks around the city’s Obelisk monument.

READ MORE: 8 Moments More Embaressing Than Brazil's World Cup Loss

More than 50 rioters were arrested and at least 15 police officers were injured, as rioters taunted police and attempted to kick down barriers on store fronts.

The protest ruined an earlier celebration of the team’s best World Cup run in 24 years.

“I'm thankful to everyone," said Argentina’s team’s captain Lionel Messi, who won the World Cup trophy for best player. "I would have liked to bring you back the Cup and to be able to enjoy it. We tried, we gave it our all, but we couldn't achieve it."

Contact Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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