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Nearly 100 AIDS Researchers Killed Aboard Flight MH 17

Francesca Bessey |
July 18, 2014 | 3:08 p.m. PDT

Senior Opinion Editor

Among the 295 people on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 when it was shot down over Ukraine Thursday were roughly 100 HIV/AIDS researchers, activists and health care workers en route to the International Aids Society conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Although the IAS has not confirmed the exact number of attendees on board, U.S. President Barrack Obama told reporters Friday that nearly 100 HIV/AIDS researchers and scientists had lost their lives in the downed plane.

SEE ALSO: Malaysia Airlines Passenger Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine

Among the dead is Dr. Joep Lange, a former president of IAS and leading expert in the field since the 1980s.

The IAS has said the conference will proceed as planned in recognition of their colleagues' "dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS," however attendees will have "opportunities to reflect and remember those we have lost."


Read the full story at ABC News.

Contact Senior Opinion Editor Francesca Bessey here; follow her here.



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