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Tsunami Warning Issued After Alaskan Earthquake

Arash Zandi |
June 23, 2014 | 7:29 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The epicenter, as shown, was between Alaska and Russia. (Twitter/@KPRCLocal2)
The epicenter, as shown, was between Alaska and Russia. (Twitter/@KPRCLocal2)
A magnitude 7.9 earthquake on Monday off the coast of Alaska prompted a tsunami warning to be issued, according to ABC News.

Around 150 residents of the city of Adak on the Aleutian Islands evacuated their homes in order to reach higher ground. Studies show that earthquakes of this magnitude occur every 10 years or so around the Aleutian area.

READ MORE: Hawaiian Tsunami Warning Lifted As Small Earthquake Shakes Los Angeles

The warnings were later downgraded to advisories, and then ultimately canceled, as there were no initial reports of damage in the affected area.

The earthquake was so powerful that 17 aftershocks were recorded as soon as two hours after the first quake.

Alaska is the state with the highest amount of earthquakes each year.


Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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