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Karachi Airport Reopens After Taliban Attack

Arash Zandi |
June 9, 2014 | 5:47 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The attacks occurred after failed attempts at peace talks with insurgent groups. (via Twitter/@TheEconomist)
The attacks occurred after failed attempts at peace talks with insurgent groups. (via Twitter/@TheEconomist)
Karachi’s airport has reopened just a day after a deadly attack by the Taliban, reports BBC News.

The attack on Jinnah International Airport late Sunday night claimed the lives of at least 30 people, including the 10 assailants, some of them disguised as airport security officials.

Attackers part of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (T.T.P.) fought with machine guns and rocket launchers against airport security and members of the army and the Pakistan Rangers, says Dawn.

READ MORE: Pakistani Taliban Selects New Leader

Taliban spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid said in a statement that the attack was carried out as a response to Pakistani military airstrikes in the northwestern part of the country as well as a drone strike carried out by the U.S. Army that killed T.T.P.’s leader.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the incident and urged the Pakistani government to step up its efforts in combating terrorism. Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said that that includes, “a view to protecting the rights of all people to safely practice their religion, and to bring the perpetrators of such attacks to justice.”

Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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