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Almost 300,000 Californians Think Gun-Trafficking Is Grounds For Election

Matthew Tinoco |
June 4, 2014 | 4:22 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Lee was arrested by the FBI in March. (KPIX)
Lee was arrested by the FBI in March. (KPIX)
Yesterday's election was pretty dry for most Californians. Maybe that's why almost 300,000 of them voted the corrupted and gun-trafficking State Senator Leland Yee from San Francisco for Secretary of State.

Yee was arrested by the FBI in late March, and charged with several crimes ranging spanning from accepting money for public favors, money laundering, and–of course–purchasing automatic weapons and rocket launchers from a south Pacific Islamist Extremist group. 

Official results place Yee in third place with 287,655 votes, ahead of five other (non-criminal) candidates, notwithstanding that he dropped out of the election when he was arrested in March.


Good question. Maybe it has something to do with his (very ironic) voting-guide statement:

"Under the Constitution, the Secretary of State's Job is to empower Californians to govern California, to guarantee fair elections, expose special interests, and prevent corruption. I am the Democrat who will represent everyone."

Luckily Yee didn't make the runoff. Valley Democratic State Senator Alex Padilla and Republican Public Policy "honcho" Pete Peterson will be competing in November.

Great job, California!

SEE ALSO: State Senator Leland Yee Arrested



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