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E! Says Goodbye To Chelsea Handler’s Late-Night Show

Daisy Ramirez |
May 29, 2014 | 10:55 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Chelsea Handler on E! (@nbcchicago/Twitter)
Chelsea Handler on E! (@nbcchicago/Twitter)

Chelsea Handler’s late-night show “Chelsea Lately” will be no more by August 2014. On Wednesday, E!, the entertainment television network has officially stated it will cut Handler’s show four months before her contract expires.

For seven years, “Chelsea Lately” has been the only longest running late night show hosted by a female among a field centered by male hosts. 

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The networks announcement to the shows finale air date will be August 26. The show’s expedited end date does not come to a surprise. For years, Handler and E! have had a growing tension. 

Known for her brash comments, the comedian has been outspoken about her frustration with the network. At an appearance on Howard’s Stern’s radio show, Handler complained about E!’s programming, “They don’t know what they’re doing. They have no ideas. It’s a failure.”

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Keeping it cool, the network plans to present a “month-long” farewell celebration. “Chelsea brought a distinct voice to late night with her acerbic wit and fearless commentary and we look forward to providing fans with a memorable send-off that lives up to the tradition” said E! President Suzanne Kolb. 

Now that “Chelsea Lately” will end, what does the future hold for Handler? She has expressed interest in another talk show and an interest on the Internet streaming media platform, Netflix, as a possible opportunity.

Reach Staff Reporter Daisy Ramirez here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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