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The Club Can't Handler Her Right Now

Sonia Gumuchian |
March 12, 2014 | 1:35 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Chelsea Handler and Gwyneth Paltrow (NeonTommy|Sonia Gumuchian)
Chelsea Handler and Gwyneth Paltrow (NeonTommy|Sonia Gumuchian)

What do you get when you cross a brazen comedian and a third world country? Chelsea Handler's hilarious new anecdotal book, "Uganda Be Kidding Me."

Miss Handler spoke to a crowd of adoring fans on Tuesday at her "Live Talks Los Angeles" event, discussing her crazy antics, her new book, her public presence and upcoming career plans with Gwyneth Paltrow.

For those wanting a sneak peak of "Uganda be Kidding Me," Chelsea described her experience of being "sexually rejected" by one of the tour guides. 

"It was the first time I had been rejected in Africa...because it was my first day there," Handler casually mentioned.

By this time, the audience erupted in laughter. Keep in mind, almost everything that came out of Chelsea's mouth deserved a standing ovation last night.

"I love when you talk about vaginas and alcohol," said Paltrow. 

There was no holding back, as Chelsea and Gwyneth recounted personal stories, such as Chelsea accidentally driving her one-armed gardener's car to work one day.

Yes, it is as crazy as it sounds but knowing Chelsea, not surprising.

After commenting on Chelsea's "level of integrity," Gwyneth asked, "Where does this drive come from?" 

The hilarious tone of the night continued when Handler spoke about her upbringing. 

"I definitley looked at my parents and I thought, this is not acceptable. My mom was really timid and shy and my dad was really loud, a crooked car salesmen," Handler added.

Gwyneth went on to praise Handler for her "amazing feminist power," as she has "an amazing gorup of really strong talented, articulate, loyal, funny women around [her]."

Paltrow went on to ask about Chelsea's relationship status. Handler, not married, described the impact of being single in the eyes of the media, "I think it's a good example to not have that be part of your identity."

"I'm a happier human being when I can focus on my friends, family, and job," Handler added. 

Chelsea Handler (NeonTommy|Sonia Gumuchian)
Chelsea Handler (NeonTommy|Sonia Gumuchian)

When Gwyneth asked about the tricks of becoming a good talk show host, Chelsea attributed her success as a host to her natural curiousity. "As long as someone is comfortable with you, it's so much easier to be comfortable with them," she mentioned.

When discussing her experience working on her current talk show, Chelsea Lately, Paltrow inquired about Chelsea's future plans.

"I know your contract is going to come up in 2014. What are you going to do?" Paltrow questioned.


Handler began to explain her plan as another ferocious laughter from the audience trailed off.

"I don't have a plan in place, but I'm going to do something that exercises my brain a little bit more," Chelsea explained. "I feel like working at E! is very similar to being confined to a wheelchair without any wheels."

After receiving the loudest response for her audience, Chelsea cracked another joke. "Looks like I'll be getting a day off tomorrow."

So what's next for Chelsea? She went on to describe her future goals as a person of great influence.

"I want to edcuate my audience who have been so loyal to me. I want to talk about things that are happening in the world in a more responsible way. When you have a certain amount of success, you want to be responsible to the people who gave you that success. I want to elevate my brain and their brains," Handler added.

Whatever the brilliant comedienne/author/talk show host/writer has in mind, I'm sure it will be something worth tuning in for.

Follow Staff Reporter Sonia Gumuchian on Twitter here or reach her here.  



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