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South Korean Ferry Captain Arrested

Kristy Plaza |
April 18, 2014 | 4:33 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Captain of the South Korean Ferry, Lee Joon-Seok, arrested. (Twitter/@mashable)
Captain of the South Korean Ferry, Lee Joon-Seok, arrested. (Twitter/@mashable)

The captain of the South Korean ferry that sank Wednesday, Lee Joon-Seok, was arrested on Friday. In South Korea, it was on Saturday, April 19.

There were hundreds of high school students aboard the ferry. According to USC Today, two crew members were arrested as well. 

READ MORE: 280 Missing As Ferry Sinks Off Coast of S. Korea

The captain was arrested on five counts of charges, including negligence of duty and violation of maritime law, Yonhap News Agency says. 

A crew member, not one of the two arrested, told The Wall Street Journal the captain was the first one to abandon the ferry when it began to go down. 

The death count reached 28, but bodies are still being found reports The Daily Beast. 179 people were reduced on Wednesday. However, 268 passengers are missing. 

Prosecutors say Lee left the two crew members in charge of the ferry. They were unable to reduce the speed around the islands. USC Today reports the charges against the crew members are not available. 

Rescue teams are looking for survivors but haven't reported finding any yet. 

The vice principal of the high school students who organized the trip was found hanging from a tree, police say. Officials say it was a suicide. 

Reach Executive Kristy Plaza here. Follow her on Twitter here



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