7 Reasons To Love James Franco

1. He Geeks Out
Not only did the actor get his start on a little show known as "Freaks and Geeks," but the guy actually nerds out. Franco worked towards an MFA at Columbia University as well as took some classes at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.
2. He Writes
Franco took up Creative Writing at UCLA and has written both short stories and poems. His short stories have been published in a book known as "Palo Alto," featuring stories about teenagers experimenting with vices and family struggles.
3. Teaches at USC
Bringing it to the home front, Franco teaches a film production class for graduate students at USC. He previously taught a class about turning poetry into film at NYU. So when he's not promoting movies and books, he's giving students his nuggets of knowledge in the film industry.
READ MORE: James Franco Allegedly Asks To Meet Teenage Girl At Hotel
4. He's beautiful.
There's no need for further explanation.
5. His younger brother is David Franco
Good genes must run in the family, because James Franco's little brother David is just as attractive as he is. Together they make one of the most beautiful two brothers in front of the camera. Maybe one day we'll get to see them act side by side.
6. He Directs Films
We already said Franco writes and teaches a film production class, is there anything the man can't do? Franco has directed titles such as "As I Lay Dying," and "Fool's Gold." Franco has clearly proven to be a Renaissance man, and he continues to show he can do even more.
7. He's James Franco
Sure, he might not be Ryan Gosling but James Franco seems to just have it all. A brain, charm, the occasional creepiness, looks, and even a hot younger brother. Seriously, what's not to love about James Franco?
To read more stories about James Franco, click here.
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