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192,000 Jobs Added In March

Kristy Plaza |
April 4, 2014 | 5:05 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The Labor Department released there were 192,000 jobs added in March, says The Daily Beast.

Thousands of jobs have popped up in the U.S. economy. (Getty Images/Vetta)
Thousands of jobs have popped up in the U.S. economy. (Getty Images/Vetta)

Economists were expecting a gain of 200,000 jobs. However expert believe the slowdown was because of the harsh winter in the East. 

The Labor Department also reported the proportion of Americans in the work force rose higher than expected, said The New York Times. Maybe more Americans are look for jobs now that they see more opening.

Employers said they added a total of 37,000 more positions that they expected, according to The NY Times. In February, 175,000 jobs were added. And in January, 129,000 jobs were created.

READ MORE: About 175,000 U.S. Jobs Added In February

The unemployment rate is still at 6.7 percent, where it was in February. However it was because 500,000 people joined the labor force. Expert see this as a health gain to the job market that does not negatively affect the unemployment rate.

Without the increase, the unemployment rate would have fallen to 6.5 percent, says The NY Times. 


Reach Executive Producer Kristy Plaza here. Follow he on Twitter here. 



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