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Hillary Clinton Skeptical Of Iran Deal

Francesca Bessey |
March 22, 2014 | 11:30 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Medill DC, Creative Commons)
(Medill DC, Creative Commons)
Speaking before the American Jewish Congress (AJC) Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton took a surprisingly hardline position on recent American negotiations with Iran, suggesting a potential difference between her own foreign policy approach and that of the adminstration she served.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Clinton, who was honored by the AJC with a lifetime achievement award, stated that she was "personally skeptical that the Iranians would follow through and deliver" on the deal reached between Iran, the United States and other foreign nations last year.

The agreement, which curbs Iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from decades-long sanctions, was celebrated as a historic achievement for the U.S. and Iran, who have not had formal diplomatic relations since 1979.

SEE ALSO: 5+1 Things To Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal

Clinton emphasized that other options (military action, perhaps?) are very much on the table should Iran balk, as she expects it to.

She also spent part of her speech discussing her country's longstanding friendship with Israel. Given Israel's vocal distaste of the nuclear negotiations from the beginning, some may be wondering if she was just telling her audience what they wanted to hear. Indeed, AJC Vice President Herb London expressed to the Washington Free Beacon that her speech was full of "fabrications."


Reach Executive Producer Francesca Bessey here; follow her here.



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