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Dallas Sports Anchor Lambasts Michael Sam Critics

Anna Sterling |
February 14, 2014 | 1:20 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Veteran sports anchor Dale Hansen delivered a surprising takedown Monday of Michael Sam critics.

The Mizzou defensive end and NFL prospect came out as gay on Sunday and the news was immediately picked up by media outlets everywhere.

SEE ALSO: Michael Sam: The Gay-And-Proud-Of-It Football Player

Last year, Sam was voted SEC Defensive Player of the Year. Despite that, some critics think that the revelation will be a distraction and will cause him to fall to later rounds, if not disappear completelely, in the upcoming draft.

SEE ALSO: Why Do You Care If Michael Sam Is Gay?

The Dallas-Forth Worth sportscaster did not sugarcoat how he felt about the matter.

You beat a woman and drag her down a flight of stairs, pulling her hair out by the roots? You're the fourth guy taken in the NFL draft. You kill people while driving drunk? That guy's welcome. Players caught in hotel rooms with illegal drugs and prostitutes? We know they're welcome. Players accused of rape and pay the woman to go away? You lie to police trying to cover up a murder? We're comfortable with that.

You love another man? Well, now you've gone too far. 

SEE ALSO: Trojan Voices: NFL Prospect Michael Sam Comes Out As Gay

He goes on to compare these recent events to the days of segregation, even fitting in a criticism of certain actions by the Republican Party:

It wasn’t that long ago that we were being told that black players couldn’t play in our games because it would be uncomfortable. And even when they finally could it took several more years before a black man played quarterback, because we weren’t comfortable with that either. So many of the same people who used to make that argument and the many who still do are the same people who say government should stay out of our lives but then want government in our bedrooms. I’ve never understood how they feel comfortable laying claim to both sides of that argument.

A clip of his comments on YouTube has now amassed over 3 million views, securing viral status. If Dale Hansen wasn't on your radar before, he definitely is now.



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