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Obama's Weekly Address Covers Unemployment Benefits

Eric Parra |
December 7, 2013 | 1:55 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Obama's decision has yet to get a response (Neontommy/Creative Commons)
Obama's decision has yet to get a response (Neontommy/Creative Commons)
This Saturday, President Obama addressed unemployment benefits in his weekly address.

Obama has been making many urges towards the GOP since his first term, with some gains and some losses. He is currently leaning towards extending the benefits of the unemployed past the deadline set for this month.

The Washintion Times says that the jobless rate in November fell to its lowest level since Obama’s presidency, with the president claiming that the benefits “shouldn’t be a partisan issue.” 

SEE ALSO: Obama: Mandela "No Longer Belongs To Us"

If Congress doesn’t come to an agreement on Obama’s address before the winter holidays, somewhere around 1.3 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits. “All because Republicans in this Congress—which is on track to be the most unproductive in history—have so far refused to extend it,” said Obama.

According to the Daily Beast, the Congressional Budget Office has estimated the cost to keep unemployment benefits through next year will cost about $26 billion. 

Read the full story here


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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