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Lady Gaga Set To Host 'SNL'

Arash Zandi |
October 31, 2013 | 3:05 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Lady Gaga performing in Antwerp (Wikimedia Commons).
Lady Gaga performing in Antwerp (Wikimedia Commons).
Little Monsters will have a field day with this one. Lady Gaga is set to host hit variety show "Saturday Night Live" for the first time on November 16.

The 27-year-old singer, known affectionately to her fans as Mother Monster, is set to not only be the host, but the musical guest as well.

Even though it is her first time hosting "SNL," this will be her third time featured as the musical guest.

Lady Gaga’s third album, “ARTPOP” will be released in stores on November 11.

READ MORE: Lady Gaga's New Single 'Swine' Leaks

The week after Gaga’s appearance, “Hunger Games” star Josh Hutcherson will be hosting with HAIM being featured as musical guest.

In her last musical appearance back in 2011, the singer born as Stefani Germanotta performed her hit songs, “The Edge of Glory,” “Judas” and “Born This Way.”

In 2009, in her first musical appearance, she performed “Poker Face” and “Bad Romance”.

READ MORE: Miley Cyrus Goes Political With Government Shutdown: 'We Did Stop"

Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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