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Fall Color Trends

Beatrice Verhoeven |
November 3, 2013 | 7:29 p.m. PST

Fashion Columnist

Crimson and cobalt are two of fall's best colors. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Crimson and cobalt are two of fall's best colors. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Previously, fall has been all about those dark colors, like forest green, burgundy, maroon and the expected black. With November having just started, those colors seem viable as the go-to colors. But for this year's autumn season, it's all different. As FabSugar put it: "Expect the unexpected."

My question is: who even said we can't wear our favorite summer colors in the fall? Sure, we like to associate pinks and oranges with summer and dark, cozy colors with autumn, but why not lighten up those gloomy, cold days with some color? Why not stand out?

That's probably what designers thought, too, when they planned this season's fashion lines. With Paris Fashion Week over, dark colors have been booted and replaced with hues of blue, purple, orange and pink. This is why this week's fashion column is devoted to a list of "in" colors for fall. Read below!

1) Pink

I'm not talking about neon pink or electric pink. I'm talking about a pale, almost cream-colored pink that is soft and acts as a perfect transition into winter because it is such a smooth pink. Because it's a softer color, you can mix and match it with any other neutral color or material--white, black, grey, brown or denim. My favorite fall clothing item? A knit pale pink shrug sweater.

2) Orange

It's not about the coral and the bright orange that was in for spring. Fall is all about the darker orange. The color of pumpkin is perfect. For tips on which hues are in style and how to wear them, see my "Orange is the New Black" column.

Crimson red. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Crimson red. (Creative Commons/Flickr)

3) Red

Blood red and crimson were all over the fall runways. Lanvin and Dolce & Gabanna sported gorgeous dark red outfits that were a breath of fresh air from the dull black outfits walking the catwalk. Red looks gorgeous on almost anyone. If red isn't your color, try red nail polish or red lipstick to abide by this fall's trend.

4) Blue

It's all about the cobalt. Yes, it's a very loud color, but according to FabSugar, it is one of the most flattering shades out there. While you can't match it with any other bright color, it works with almost any neutral color, whether it's cream, white or black. You must have some sort of cobalt outfit in your summer closet--don't throw it out just yet. If you don't have any cobalt yet, department stores like Bloomingdales and Nordstrom carry a bunch of cobalt items, or online stores like ShopStyle, NastyGal or Tobi have it. 

Fall's purple color. (Beatrice Verhoeven/Neon Tommy)
Fall's purple color. (Beatrice Verhoeven/Neon Tommy)
5) Purple

Instead of going for a dark purple or burgundy, why not try a velvety purple? This color is trending this season, particularly in sweaters and coats. Also, you can keep the velvet clothing items for the spring and pair your purple clothes with a pair of white jeans or shorts.

6) Cargo Green

You might be thinking, "this is the color every fall," and I agree, but there is a reason for it. It's such a cozy color that goes well with every neutral color, as well as burgundy, dark blue, and maroon. Cargo pants are back in style, per FabSugar.

Obviously, the usual neutral colors--black, grey, cream, white and brown--are all still in season. But the remarkable thing about fashion this fall is the way designers have incorporated the above mentioned colors in ways that are still autumn-esque but also brighten up the outfit. Who knows, maybe wearing one of these colors will take your early morning work day from gloomy to fun!

If you need some inspiration, visit FabSugar's website or check out the Pantone website, which show you what color palettes are in every season. Below is a slideshow that will show you what colors are trending!

Reach Fashion Columnist Beatrice Verhoeven here. Follow her on Twitter



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